Eğitim Müşavirimiz Johns Hopkins Üniversitesi'ni Ziyaret Etti

Johns Hopkins Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Ziyareti

Eğitim Müşavirimiz Prof. Zeliha K. Tufan Johns Hopkins Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi'ni Ziyaret Etti

Ziyarette araştırma laboratuvarları gezildi. Araştırmadan sorumlu Mühendilsik Fakültesi Dekanı, akademsiyenler ve Uluslararası Program Direktörleri ile ikili işbirlikleri ele alındı. Bursiyerlerimiz için olası protokoller görüşüldü.

Our Education Counselor had a visit toJohns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineeringwith Prof.Larry Nagaharathe Vice Dean for Research and Translation and Dear Dr. Ali Sayir, Materials for Extreme Environments Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).

Huge thanks to the faculty, for the warm welcome and for sharing their incredible work with us:
Jerry Prince, William B. Kouwenhoven Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Image Analysis and Communications Lab (IACL)
Mathias Unberath, John C. Malone Associate Professor of Computer Science, Advanced Robotics & Computationally AugmenteD Environments (ARCADE) Lab,
Somnath Gosh, CISMMS Director, Michael G. Callas Chair Professor of Civil and Systems Engineering, Center for Integrated Structure-Materials Modeling and Simulations (CISMMS)
Tim RupertDirector of Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence for Materials Design (AIMD) Laboratory
Todd HufnagelAssociate Director of the Materials Science in Extreme Environments University Research Alliance (MSEE URA); Director, Artificial Intelligence for Materials Design (AIMD) Laboratory; and Professor of Materials Science & Engineering, WSE, JHU
Jaafar El-AwadyAssociate Director, Center on Artificial Intelligence for Materials in Extreme Environments (CAIMEE): Director, AI-Driven Integrated and Automated Materials Design for Extreme Environments (AMDEE), and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, WSE, JHU

Hedy Alavi, Associate Dean for International Programs Chair, Environmental Engineering, Science, and Management Programs - Engineering for Professionals, WSE, JHU


Gretar Tryggvason, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Charles A. Miller, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering, WSE, JHU

There is tremendous potential for collaboration between JHU and our universities in Turkiye.

Hope to see more YLSY (Law 1416) Scholarship holders in JHU in near future.

Yayın Tarihi: 08.09.2024